Tuesday 12 May 2015

KOH RONG   -   3rd Feb. 2015   to   21st Feb. 2015

We arrived in Koh Rong island recommended by Suc de Coco. Friends of us who had been there a couple of years before. We are not "beach lovers", but the pictures we had seen in their blog, were spectacular and we thought we should go there. However, we only planned to be there for three days.

We start looking for accommodation in the same town where the ferry drops you off. Fortunately the village is not big, because it's not so comfortable to walk along the sandy coast with the heavy backpacks. The beach is full of guest houses or a little bit further from what might be called "centre" there are several bungalows. When we got there, the accommodation were quite full and asked us more than we wanted to pay.

Finally, we found Dina's Guesthouse, a small colorful wooden house which is right on the beach seafront and is almost at the end of the village. It is run by a very nice family and they only have four rooms. Here we paid 10 US$ per night for a double room with shared bathroom and mosquito net.

Dina's Guesthouse. The small green house with colors.
Views from the balcony.
With this tranquility and views from our home, we decided to almost finish our visa time, in this place to have holidays from our "holidays", which is always good.

Perhaps this photo has no sense in this moment, but we put you in situation. Here was early February and it was quite cold in Europe, even some snow where normally we don't have it. At that time, our friends and family didn't stop sending us photos of the snow in their respective villages or upload them to Facebook. So we decided to make our particular sandman to make them a little envy (although it must be said that those who know me, know that they made me more envy than I to them. Don't misunderstand me. It was great on the beach, spectacular in the island and travel around is priceless... but it was too hot!).

From the village where we had our residence in Koh Rong you can do a hike for about 45 minutes, first uphill and then downhill to get to Long Beach, a white sand beach with clear and turquoise water for about 7km long. If you want to walk the path, we recommend you to use proper footwear and not flip flops because there are rocks and you have to grab ropes (don't worry you don't need to be a climber to do it).

If you are too lazy to walk, you can also take a boat that takes you to the beach and picks you up after the sunset, or if you want to walk just one way, once you get there, they offer you a return boat after sunset.

Although the water is very clean, I must say that it's a shame that such beautiful places like this, are full of rubbish. However, it seems that people are beginning to have a little more aware of the area and we saw several people these days collecting rubbish from the beach, not only in the Long Beach, but other beaches on the island too.

One of this days in the island, we decided to make an organized boat trip for 10$ each. It included snorkeling, fishing, barbecue, go to Long Beach for the sunset and swimming in the night to see the luminous plankton. In our case we couldn't almost see fishes in that area (but we laugh a lot just taking pictures of us), we fished nothing and the barbecue was a snack. Although we spent a day having fun with other travelers. Swimming in the dark to see the luminous plankton it was really worth. It was awesome, it's like seeing a very, very starry sky but inside the water. We really enjoyed that.

And this is how we decided to stay here for more than 15 days!

Before we finish this post, we also wanted to comment, that in the last years, this island has become more an more popular among travelers. And the amount of tourists increase highly. Also investors are coming to the island. Probably, in a very short time, it will be quite different as we experienced it.

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